Who we are
The Company
After years of experience in the fruit and vegetable sector from 1986 onwards, Alessandro and Daniela Morganti sensed the market was ready for cooked, ready-to-eat vegetables. As a result, in 2009 they established Morganti s.r.l., a company specialising in producing and marketing cooked, ready-to-eat vegetables.
The first production plant was built at Basilicanova in the province of Parma, the home of good food, which uses the very latest technology to ensure consumer demand is satisfied, harnessing modern distribution methods.
‘Siamcotte’ (which in Italian means “We’re Cooked”) was born; a brand whose name underlines the service aspect of the products.
Production at Morganti s.r.l has evolved in the following stages:
The Plant
The production site was expanded at the beginning of 2018.
It now measures 2,000 square metres, of which 200 square metres for office space.
All production areas are temperature controlled, in order to ensure the finished products are kept in peak condition.
All the equipment is cutting-edge, to guarantee the highest quality standards.
Each production line is equipped with metal detectors to ensure maximum safety.

The raw materials
Alessandro Morganti harnesses his thirty-year experience to source the best vegetables at Parma’s Fruit and Vegetable market on a daily basis. When local produce cannot be found, he contacts his trusted suppliers to obtain whatever he needs to complete his daily order.
The most important raw materials, particularly potatoes, are chosen with great care. Morganti s.r.l. has agreements with a number of farms to cultivate the varieties best suited to ensuring its finished products are of outstanding quality.
The production process
Once the raw materials reach the plant, they are carefully cleaned, trimmed or peeled, cooked in both conventional and steam ovens and, when necessary, grilled.
Morganti s.r.l. products are never boiled. This is to ensure the natural organoleptic and nutritional properties of the fresh vegetables are maintained.

The packaging
Packaging takes place in a controlled atmosphere, using state-of-the-art machinery to retain all the flavour and texture of the raw materials.
Morganti s.r.l. is able to weigh, price and label either fixed weight or variable weight packaging.
The quality control system
The plant, equipment, machinery and production processes have been the subject of stringent evaluation by the main quality control authorities of the Major Retail Sector supply chain, as Morganti s.r.l. also supplies own brands (so-called Private Labels).
The company is BRC-IFS-ISO 9001 certified

Our ranges
The range is divided into 5 categories of product:
- STEAMED Vegetables, cooked exclusively in steam ovens, with no other added ingredients.
- OVEN ROASTED Vegetables, prepared with additional ingredients and aromatic herbs to enhance the flavour and final taste
- GRILLED Vegetables, lightly char-grilled to obtain a tasty product which is delicious and never dry.
- SAUTÉED Vegetables, extremely tasty, steam-cooked and flavoured with an oil, garlic and chili pepper dressing and salt.
- PASTA WITH VEGETABLES, ready-cooked dishes made with durum wheat pasta served with lightly spiced sautéed vegetables.
- Spelt salad with vegetables
Product ranges
In order to satisfy all its customers Morganti s.r.l. produces three product ranges:
The entire range, excepting for Fresh Vegetables, is available in TAKE-AWAY, preserved in a controlled atmosphere and ready to be heated up in a microwave oven by the final user for quick and easy use.

The catering range
Most of the products are also available in the CATERING version, making them very convenient for professionals with high consumption levels, including delicatessens and restaurants: to serve the product, simply remove the packaging and place on a food warmer. This completely eliminates preparation costs whilst ensuring consistently high standards over time.